The event “Leadership: Building Success Companies” had as a highlight character Benfica’s coach Mister Roger Schmidt, who gave his leadership example.
The venue was organized by the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIP) and the Portuguese and German Chamber of Commerce, and it took place in Goethe Institut, the cultural representative of Germany, from which this coach comes from.
This initiative was led by the president of CCIP, and also CEO of Delta Cafés (the biggest coffee company in Portugal), Rui Miguel Nabeiro, and it was based on a talk addressed to around 70 businessmen. This president led the conversation on a stage in a casual and informal environment with Benfica’s coach.
They both talked about leadership and building success companies, having always availability and share to the attendants from the coach, specially on the moment of Q&A.
To Bruno Valverde Cota, the CEO of OPTIMISTIC, it was very interesting to hear the perspective of Mister Roger Schmidt about leadership and success companies, considering that from this CEO point of view “the leader transforms groups on teams and the leader’s vision is everyone’s and not just his own”.